About Us

The app uses the GPS data of your mobile device to determine your speed at a given stage. Select your Target Minimum Speed (TMS) when setting up your session. Your ‘current speed’ will be compared against this target speed. The app will notify you if your ‘current speed’ falls below your TMS value.

When the ‘Music Slow Mo’ feature is triggered, it will slow down the playing speed of your music, to help encourage you to pick back up the pace!

Your music will resume at its normal playing speed once you reach your TMS again. This helps keep your pace at a comfortable but challenging pace. As a result of this, you burn more calories and get more from your walking, jogging, running or cycling workouts.

The session can be paused at any stage which allows you to take a break from the ‘slow mo’ feature while still listening to your favorite music. Once your ready to continue your session, just click the ‘resume’ button.